Top Allergy Care in Eastern Iowa

Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa has helped thousands of patients in Cedar Rapids manage their allergies. Eighty-five percent of our patients experience significant improvement or complete relief from their allergy symptoms.

Environmental allergies can affect everyone in the family – allergies in children are typically overlooked at a younger age. At our ENT clinic, we are committed to listening to your concerns, performing thorough exams, and providing personalized allergy treatment options for you and your family.

Allergy injections are now scheduled appointments. We will no longer be on a walk-in basis or have “shot hours." We will have a variety of injection appointment times to accommodate our patients. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work together to provide the best possible care in the safest manner.

As always, please remember to bring your non-expired Epipen. 

If you have questions, please call PCI Allergy (319) 399-2024.

Allergy Providers

See all PCI medical providers

Ryan Dempewolf MD, FACS
Melanie Giesler-Spellman DO, FAOCO
Thomas Heineman MD
Madia C. Russillo MD
Michael Telisak MD, FACS

Allergy Treatment & Services

Allergy Evaluations/Diagnosis

Skin Testing uses a small drop of diluted allergen on top of the skin, which acts as a proxy for the lungs or nose. Sometimes, a very small portion of the allergen is injected right below the skin to test for allergies.


By eliminating or decreasing your exposure to an allergen, symptoms can be minimized, controlled, or eliminated. Finding a new home for pets, avoiding specific foods or drugs, and restricting the use of scented chemical products can significantly improve your symptoms. If an allergen cannot be avoided completely, reducing your exposure can be helpful.


Medications used to combat allergy symptoms include oral antihistamines, oral and inhaled decongestants, anti-inflammatory steroid nasal spray, and saline nasal sprays/rinses.

Immunotherapy (allergy shots/desensitization)

Immunotherapy for inhaled allergens reduces sensitivity by building your tolerance through regular exposure. We use in-office intradermal skin testing and results help determine sensitivities and treatment dosages. Allergy injection therapy can bring relief within 3-6 months but may take longer.

We also offer sublingual drop therapy delivered through a serum that is placed under the tongue. This is a convenient option for home administration and children. Our physicians recommend that individuals continue allergy therapy for 3-5 years.

Penicillin Skin Testing

Often, patients will report a penicillin allergy based off a childhood rash. Penicillin allergy is the most frequently reported drug allergy, with nearly 10 percent of people in the US claiming to be allergic. However, up to 90 percent of these patients do not have evidence of a penicillin allergy when tested.

PCI Allergy now offers penicillin skin testing. The skin testing procedure for penicillin allergy is easy, safe, and completed in approximately one hour.  Following testing, patients with negative skin test results are challenged with oral penicillin or amoxicillin and observed for an additional hour to confirm their ability to tolerate penicillin.

Diagnosing Allergies

Dr. Ryan Dempewolf explains the process for diagnosing seasonal and environmental allergies.

Treatment Options for Seasonal and Environmental Allergies

Dr. Ryan Dempewolf discusses the various treatment options available tor nasal allergy sufferers.

More Information About Allergies

Introduction to Allergies

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Sublingual Immunotherapy

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Allergy Testing